Our mobile app is your one-stop resource to getting the most out of every experience at Marina Bay Sands. Browse the latest deals, find your way easily or explore the newest things to do around our hotel, attractions, shows, shops and restaurants. Log in to your Sands LifeStyle membership or sign up for free to immediately enjoy a host of exclusive offers, check your Resort Dollars balance, redeem parking privileges and more, anywhere, anytime.
From the latest deals and handy maps to redeeming Resort Dollars, find everything you need here.
Browse the latest hotel, shows, shopping and dining promotions.
Check your account balance and tier status. Flash your e-card to earn and redeem Resort Dollars.
Enjoy instant access to your room, request for amenities and more.
Explore the latest things to do around Marina Bay Sands.
Quickly find your way around Marina Bay Sands or use our offline map without an internet connection.
Unlock a world of exclusive rewards and perks with your complimentary Sands LifeStyle membership, Singapore’s most generous rewards programme.
Earn up to 20% instant Resort Dollars from over 250 participating outlets | |
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Gain parking privileges | |
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