ABCs of Healthy Video Gaming


ABCs of Healthy Video Gaming

Learn about the benefits of video gaming while debunking common misconceptions with Elyna, and Pauline from SOOS OIO!

Video games are often associated with negative connotations in the society. However, in this episode, we welcome an industry expert to dispel myths and share on the benefits of introducing healthy video gaming in a child’s growing stage.

Art of Being Calm Series:

Amongst the many uncertainties in the current hectic society, it is always important to find a little joy, laughter, and that bit of sparkle in our eyes. Art of Being Calm is a new programme that focuses on the ABCs of finding serenity. Join us for a series of hands-on activities to engaging discussions and explore how art tools can help us to be at peace with ourselves!

Find out more about this Art of Being Calm Series

10 Sep
10 Sep

About the Speaker

About the Speaker

Pauline Phoon (Founder of SOOS OIO LLP)

SOOS OIO is a social enterprise that develops youth holistically through communities in our fast-evolving world. Through TeleTrip, they gather gamers for community gaming in various games like Mobile Legends, DOTA 2, League of Legends and Valorant. Gamers experience social, teamwork, fun and many more positive outcomes from playing video games together at TeleTrip/TeleMatch. To empower more to understand the positive aspects of video gaming and caution gamers of the pitfalls, the organisation goes to schools to run Game Addiction Talks and TeleTrip Workshops.

For more details on TeleTrip, visit

For more details on SOOS OIO’s past Parents Webinar event, visit

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