Special Event: Special Event: Art of Being Calm: ABCs of Cooling Down with Calming Jars


Art of Being Calm: ABCs of Cooling Down with Calming Jars

Everything is a bit easier with a spoon full of glitter (or in this case, a jar full!). Join us to learn how to make a calming jar from everyday items. Designed to soothe and relax, these calming jars create a little spark of joy and light to erase our worries during our darker days!
5 Feb

Art of Being Calm Series:

Amongst the many uncertainties in the current hectic society, it is always important to find a little joy, laughter, and that bit of sparkle in our eyes. Art of Being Calm is a new programme that focuses on the ABCs of finding serenity. Join us for a series of hands-on activities to engaging discussions and explore how art tools can help us to be at peace with ourselves!

Find out more about this Art of Being Calm Series.

5 Feb

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