Feeling the Future Talk with Scott Smith


Feeling the Future Talk with Scott Smith

Scott Smith (Founder and Managing Partner of Changeist) shares practical tools for mapping out possible futures in a crisis, which might help us think about and unpack orders of impact of significant change.
12 May
New Episode every fortnight on Tuesday

About Feeling the Future

Feeling the Future is an online programme of talks that examines the human capacity to imagine new futures in a world where uncertainty and anxiety is prevalent. As we navigate extraordinary realities, this online series of talks engages with prominent thought leaders and futures thinkers on topical issues – ranging from emotional courage and mental wellness to social resilience and ethics – to reflect on where we are and where we could be heading.

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About the Exhibition

2219: Futures Imagined explores the possible futures of Singapore 200 years from now through a series of immersive installations, meditative spaces, films, paintings and sculptures. Inspired by the work of Singaporean writer and poet Alvin Pang, the exhibition is neither a utopian or dystopian view of the distant future and instead focuses on small, human-scale acts of innovation and contemplation. 2219: Futures Imagined intends for visitors to reflect on what kind of future they want for Singapore, and what actions they may be prepared to take in order to bring that future into being.

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12 May
New Episode every fortnight on Tuesday

About the Speaker

  • Scott Smith / Founder and Managing Partner of Changeist

    Scott Smith’s work is built on over 20 years’ experience tracking social, cultural, technological and economic trends, and combines grounded research with narrative design to explore the unanticipated. He is the author of How to Future: Leading and Sense-making in an Age of Hyperchange to be published in September 2020.

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