Artist Talk: Sara Wookey


Artist Talk: Sara Wookey

How come our bodies can navigate the many invisible rules of the public space sometimes without us even noticing? Through subtle conditioning we have learned exactly how to move in certain institutions or situations, and dance artist and researcher Sara Wookey has spent years exploring these patterns of movement as a site-specific and relational practice.

Across the world public spaces have undergone rapid change as a result of the pandemic. We’ve all developed a new awareness of the distance between bodies, of surfaces we might come into contact with, of how we can avoid being brought into proximity with strangers.

Join us as Sara tells us more about the complexities of how our bodies relate to space around us and as we consider what how the new choreography of the public space might have changed the way we move forever.

This event is a part of Talks.

The museum's Talk programme goes online. Look forward to specially curated Online Talks and Conferences and a brand new short conversation series with guests known as Take 5.

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The Artist

  • Sara Wookey

    Sara Wookey is an internationally recognised dance artist, researcher, and consultant. She believes the qualities of dance as a relational and site-based practice and the transferable skills of embodiment and connection of the dance artist can contribute to institutional change and more livable futures. Sara has been working closely over the last decade with the landscape architect and urban designer Rennie Tang to build inclusive landscapes that encourage kinesthetic public engagement. Concepts and methods of her practice are drawn from her background in dance and choreography as well as from her work with the late urbanist Edward Soja and her on-going work as a dancer with iconic Post-Modern choreographer Yvonne Rainer for whom she is one of seven certified dancers to teach her archival works. Sara is a specialist in dance in the museum through her research work at the Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE) at Coventry University. Sara is a Tate Modern Research Associate and her writing has been published by Palgrave, Performance Arts Journal, The International Journal for Art & Technology, Itch, Valiz Press, and Art Review. As a leader in the arts, Sara serves as a Governor at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance and is Chair of the Independent Dance Committee at Equity UK.

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