Basement 2 Circulation & Oculus

A unique space that features a circulation area and a giant outdoor water feature, and is suitable for cocktail events, product launches and fashion shows.

Size & Capacity

Total Floor Area: 1,080m²
500 standing or
200 round table seating

Rental Rates

All rates include entry into the exhibitions, up to the capacity of the venue booked.

Floor Area
Rental Rates*
Basement 2
Circulation & Oculus

Basement 2 Lite
Partial Circulation & Oculus

500 standing or
200 round table seating

200 - 250 standing or
80 round table seating

1,080m²7pm to 11pm:

Whole Day: S$12,000+

Floor Area
Rental Rates*
Basement 2
Circulation & Oculus

Basement 2 Lite
Partial Circulation & Oculus

500 standing or
200 round table seating

200 - 250 standing or
80 round table seating

7pm to 11pm:

Whole Day: S$12,000+

*Duration includes event-set-up/rehearsal and tear-down/removal.

^ Rental rates excludes prevailing GST rate.

Compare rates with other ArtScience Museum venues


Please contact us if you have any queries about renting a venue at ArtScience Museum. We look forward to hearing from you.

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