Future World: Where Art Meets Science

Prepare to immerse yourselves in a digital universe for your next event. Spanning five galleries, Future World is the destination for your next wine-and-dine experience. Perfect for cocktail receptions and product launches, your guests will surely be wowed by a plethora of highly interactive digital art installations that are updated regularly to ensure that content remains fresh and relevant. 

Size & Capacity

Floor area:
1,500 m²
  • icon
    400 standing

Rental Rates

All rates include entry into the exhibitions, up to the capacity of the venue booked.

Floor Area
Rental Rates*
Bookings of B2 Exhibitions
Excluding Future World

Bookings of Future World Exhibition
250 standing

400 standing

1,200 - 1,500m²
(Exhibition Space)


*Circulation space outside galleries are available for use

7pm to 11pm: S$12,000+

7pm to 11pm: S$16,000+

Floor Area
Rental Rates*
Bookings of B2 Exhibitions
Excluding Future World

Bookings of Future World Exhibition
250 standing

400 standing

1,200 - 1,500m²
(Exhibition Space)


*Circulation space outside galleries are available for use

7pm to 11pm: S$12,000+

7pm to 11pm: S$16,000+

* Duration includes event-set-up/rehearsal and tear-down.

^ Rental rates exclude prevailing GST rate.

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Please contact us if you have any queries about renting a venue at ArtScience Museum. We look forward to hearing from you. 

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