ABCs of Decluttering


ABCs of Decluttering

Find out how decluttering can promote a more balanced lifestyle with our Senior Education Specialist, Marilia!

Clutter not just happens in physical spaces, but also in our minds. Mental clutter may also contribute to difficulty to think clearly. In this episode, find out ways we can eliminate physical and emotional clutter to be a happier you!

Art of Being Calm Series:

Amongst the many uncertainties in the current hectic society, it is always important to find a little joy, laughter, and that bit of sparkle in our eyes. Art of Being Calm is a new programme that focuses on the ABCs of finding serenity. Join us for a series of hands-on activities to engaging discussions and explore how art tools can help us to be at peace with ourselves!

Find out more about this Art of Being Calm Series

8 Oct
8 Oct

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