Into The Wild
Into The Wild at ArtScience Museum


Make a real-world difference using Tango, a cutting-edge technology by Google at the museum’s latest permanent development, Into the Wild: An Immersive Virtual Adventure

Into the Wild is made by ArtScience Museum, Google, Lenovo, and WWF, in association with Panasonic and Qualcomm, working with the creative talents of MediaMonks and Singaporean artist, Brian Gothong Tan. It transforms over 850 square metres of ArtScience Museum into a virtual rainforest, which you can explore using a smartphone device.

Your virtual adventure becomes reality, when you take an active role in replanting the rainforests of Southeast Asia.  For every virtual tree planted, and accompanied with a pledge to WWF, a real tree will be planted in a rainforest in Indonesia. 

Real-World Impact

Since the start of Into The Wild, 10,000 trees have been planted in the Eastern part of Rimbang Baling, Pencong Valley. This land used to be the primary forest that was illegally cleared for palm oil plantations but with the support from initiatives like Into The Wild, and through the thoughtful work of the WWF field team, local rangers and the locals, this area has now a second chance. 




The process of tree planting is a laborious and sometimes treacherous task. To get to the planting site, WWF staff, local communities and volunteers travel 22km from the nursery through dirt roads and major rivers to transport seedlings, clear land, plant trees, and document the growth of each tree.

Today, there are as few as 3,900 tigers left in the wild globally, all of which are found in just about 5 per cent of their original range, compared to over a century ago. As top predators of the food chain, wild tigers play a crucial role in maintaining balanced ecosystems that support thousands of other species and millions of people. The reforestation in Rimbang Baling has been critical in rejuvenating its tiger population as it connects otherwise isolated tiger landscapes around Sumatra, ensuring the long term viability of tiger populations. Earlier this year, camera traps captured rare sightings of tigers returning to the reforested areas. Seeing a few of the last 400 Sumatra tigers, healthy and secure in its natural habitat underscores the importance of the efforts by WWF and its communities, and the far reaching impact of the contributions from those here in Singapore who take part in Into The Wild.

People‘s Voice Award at The Webby Awards 2018

The Webby Awards is the leading international award honouring excellence on the internet. In the spirit of the open Web, The Webby People’s Voice is awarded by the voting public. Each year, The Webby People’s Voice Awards garners millions of votes from all over the world.

Find out more here.

Spikes Asia Awards Winner on 27 September 2017

Spikes Asia Awards is the region’s oldest and most prestigious awards for creative advertising. Into the Wild won the following awards:
·  Grand Prix (Augmented Mobile Experience, Mobile category)
·  Bronze Spike (Innovative Technology, Mobile category)
·  Gold Spike (Augmented Reality, Digital Craft category)
·  Bronze Spike (Technological Advancement in Digital Craft, Digital Craft category)

Find out more here.

FWA Winner on 28 Apr 2017

FWA is where you go to experience cutting-edge innovation in digital design and development. It’s a space that encourages the digital industry to push the boundaries of technology, to show people what is possible. It has an international team of over 200 judges who vote daily on submitted projects.

Find out more here.



Into the Wild begins at ArtScience Museum’s Basement 2.  Using Lenovo's Phab 2 Pro, the world’s first Tango-enabled smartphone, you will step into the role of a wildlife ranger and embark on a virtual reality adventure.

Immersed in a lush digital world, you will encounter some of the key inhabitants of the Southeast Asian rainforest - pangolins, tapirs, mousedeers, orangutans and tigers.  Learn about the imminent dangers they face, observe the animals in their natural habitat, and take action to defend their environment.  The adventure will lead you around museum and up to Level 4, where your actions can help restore the rainforests of Southeast Asia.  

Into The Wild - Adventure
Into The Wild - Adventure
Into The Wild - Adventure


When you plant a virtual tree within the museum, and accompany it with a pledge to WWF, a tree will be planted in Rimbang Baling, in Indonesia - one of the last pristine rainforests in Sumatra, and critical territory for endangered Sumatran tigers.  Your actions will transcend the virtual world and make a significant, real-world impact.

Once you’ve planted your tree and made your pledge, step into the transformative world of Brian Gothong Tan’s installation and experience the forests of Southeast Asia in a larger-than-life, cinematic world.

Into The Wild - Virtual Tree
Into The Wild - Tiger and Orangutan
Into The Wild - Virtual Tree
© WWF-Indonesia / David HERMAN


Into the Wild culminates with a cinematic experience, directed by one of Singapore’s leading filmmakers, Brian Gothong Tan. Using state-of the-art animation and projection-mapping techniques, Tan has created a portal through which you pass from the virtual reality of the digital adventure, into an immersive, cinematic experience on a spectacular scale.

Tan’s thought-provoking film depicts the fragile habitat of the five animals featured in the virtual adventure - pangolins, tapirs, mousedeers, orangutans and tigers.  Inspired by the work of explorer and naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace, and Mexican mural painter, Diego Rivera, Tan's film eloquently and fluently animates the animals’ journey from creation, to destruction and rebirth.

Into The Wild - Immerse yourself in a cinematic experience
Into The Wild - Immerse yourself in a cinematic experience
Into The Wild - Immerse yourself in a cinematic experience


Brian Gothong Tan

About Filmmaker, Brian Gothong Tan

Hailed as one of Singapore’s most gifted contemporary artists, Brian Gothong Tan is known for his award-winning films, and his visually stunning spectacles at events like Singapore's National Day Parade. His films and installations have been shown in numerous festivals around the world, including at Cannes Film Festival, Venice Architectural Biennale, Singapore Biennale, and Shanghai World Expo. His dynamic use of multimedia has earned him Life! Theatre Awards in 2005, 2008, 2012 and 2016. He was conferred the Young Artist Award in 2012, and more recently, the Singapore Youth Award in 2015.


Central to the undertaking of Into the Wild is the restoration of the Rimbang Baling Wildlife Reserve in Sumatra, Indonesia. This is among the last places in the world where tigers, pangolins, mouse deer and tapirs co-exist. However, the reserve is under consistent threat and there is an increasing need and urgency to understand, protect and restore this vulnerable animal habitat and forest ecosystem.

By planting your virtual tree here and making a pledge to WWF, you can protect the homes of these endangered animals. As a special Thank You, WWF will plant a real tree for you in Sumatra. You will receive photos of the tree as it grows and also the exact coordinates, so that you can watch it grow on Google maps!

The actions of ArtScience Museum visitors will transcend the virtual world and have significant, real-world impact in helping to restore the rainforest of Southeast Asia. Find out more here.

If you would like to know more about Marina Bay Sands’ sustainability efforts, please visit this page.


Into The Wild - Virtual Tree
© WWF-Indonesia / David HERMAN
Into The Wild - Make a real-world difference
© WWF-Indonesia / Sunarto





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