

One last step!

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Please select your request time
First name (As printed on your Singapore NRIC or passport)
Please enter only alphabetical characters
Last name (As printed on your Singapore NRIC or passport)
Please enter only alphabetical characters
Please fill in valid phone number
Please fill in valid email address
Your date of birth is required. Incorrect format. (You need to be at least 18 years old to join)

Please read and indicate that you agree to the terms of use.
Special Requests?
E.g. table preference (subject to availability). If you are requesting for an alternative timing or party-size, we will not be able to accommodate.

I wish to receive MBS marketing updates, preferably personalized content that I may be interested in, via any means of communications including email, text messaging, MBS devices, MBS applications, MBS websites, and other third party websites that I visit.

I agree to MBS processing my personal data as set out here to fulfil my request and I understand that I may visit MBS Data Protection Office for details on how to access or correct my data or withdraw my consent.